Current Activities

Current Activities

Currently, my main activity is working on a French ANR-funded research project called Modeling Uncertainty in Science (InSciM). This project is focused on developing a theoretical framework and computational tools to model uncertainty in scientific knowledge. I am working under the supervision of Dr. Iana Atanassova, who is a leading researcher in the field of modeling uncertainty in scientific knowledge.

The InSciM project is an exciting and challenging endeavor, as it requires me to use my skills in data science, statistics, machine learning, and linguistics to tackle complex problems. I am constantly learning new techniques and methods, as well as collaborating with other researchers to come up with innovative solutions. You can check out the updates of the project on our website: here to stay informed about the progress of the project.

In addition to my work on the InSciM project, I am also preparing for my International Doctoral Mobility program at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Germany. The program will be under the supervision of Dr. Philipp Mayr, who is a recognized expert in the field of information retrieval and the processing of scientific documents. This program provides me with an exciting opportunity to work on advanced natural language processing techniques for text data analysis in the social sciences, and explore the research landscape in Germany. I am also looking forward to working with a team of international researchers at GESIS and expanding my professional network.

Overall, my current activity is a mix of research and professional development. I am working on a challenging and exciting research project, while also preparing for a unique opportunity to gain new insights and perspectives in my field. I am confident that this combination of experiences will help me to achieve my goals and achieve success in my career.

Ningrum Hi! I'm Ning
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